How To Print .prn File Using C#
That file to my default windows printer, how would I do that in C#? I tried just putting the printDocument1 object on my form and doing this: printDocument1.DocumentName = 'C: Tablerep.prn'; printDocument1.print(); it just prints a blank page every time. But I can open this file up in the dos EDIT.EXE and print and it prints fine. You will need to lay out all the contents of the.prn file manually on the PrintDocument using standard drawing objects (i.e., Graphics.DrawString()). The PrintDocument class has a number of properties representing different print settings (i.e., paper size, paper source, duplex, etc.). Oct 9, 2017 - I want to print this label with variable data using c#. I have created the PRN file of label designed in designer and this file I want to print.
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in a.bat file :copy myFile.prn LPT1
myFile.prn i won't print this file,myFile.prn also in same directory
when i run bat file print proper, but using window from on print button click nothing happen.
i don't know what's problem i this c drive not allow me to run file or other
2 Answers
You can try to add app.manifest
just to see if it is about permission issue.
In your app.manifest
C drive permission issue. I change my storage location and its working proper