Install Terminator Cygwin

Possible Duplicate:
upgrading and installing packages through the cygwin command line?

I'm looking for a 'yum'-link method to install additional Cygwin packages from the command-line. Let's say I want to add the package 'Math/bc', then ideally I'd like to be able to do it using one command as in:

Currently the only way I've found to install new packages is to locate and run the installation file SETUP.EXE file and then scroll to the relevant package, add it, etc. This is quite cumbersome so I'm sure there is a smarter command-line way to add an additional package.

Feb 20, 2016 - Cygwin and Putty run in separate console experiences. Assuming git was installed to C:/Program Files/Git (the default location), just add.


marked as duplicate by TheTXISep 14 '09 at 16:58

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1 Answer


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I installed the latest version of Cygwin with a number of packages.I soon realised that I need more packages (such as wget, etc) and I couldn't find a way to install the new packages without running the set up again and reinstall everything from scratch.

What I'm looking for is the equivalent of apt-get on Cygwin (if such a thing exists).


migrated from stackoverflow.comJun 30 '11 at 15:14

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8 Answers

There is no package management in Cygwin outside of the setup program. The setup only applies updates to your current installation, it does not overwrite packages that what you already have (unless you have explicitly said so).

So rerun the setup program to install new packages.

Benoit MillerBenoit Miller

There is a package called apt-cyg that may be what you are looking for. It appears to be based upon apt-get.

apt-cyg is a command-line installer for Cygwin which cooperates with Cygwin Setup and uses the same repository. The syntax is similar to apt-get.

An example command would be

To install it you need wget, tar, gawk, and bzip2. You can download all these packages from the Cygwin packages list.

Cygwin install vim

Re-run the setup program again. This is how you update Cygwin as well.


I find Chocolatey very useful for windows installations management (new, upgrade and removal), and cygwin is no exception!

I installed cygwin using Chocolatey, and since Chocolatey is installing using quiet/silent mode, you are not asked to select any packages and cygwin is installed with bare minimum packages :-(.

However, every time you wish to install a new package it is really-really, easy just use:
--source=cygwin.For example, installing bash:

choco install bash --source=cygwin Exile atsushi facebook.

Tal TikotzkiTal Tikotzki

I was stuck with the same issue while trying to use curl on Windows and just got it resolved. Posting it here, now cause it might help someone.

Centos Install Terminator

The best way is to just use cygwin's setup.exe and select additional packages that you need. Go here:

'When installing packages for the first time, setup*.exe does not install every package. Only the minimal base packages from the Cygwin distribution are installed by default. Clicking on categories and packages in the setup*.exe package installation screen will provide you with the ability to control what is installed or updated.'

Nitin NainNitin Nain

You need to install 'lynx' at first in a common way.Then open cygwin and write this:

  1. lynx -source > apt-cyg

  2. install apt-cyg /bin

Now you can use package manager apt-cyg install

Ubuntu Install Terminator

For more information see


You can use Babun which is built around Cygwin and includes the package manager pact.

Babun supports installing new packages out of the box:

Matthias BraunMatthias Braun

Hi I know that it's old topic but just to add some info:You can also install program called MSYS2 which has the package manager PACMAN from Arch Linux and You are able to install all packs avaible for Arch :)Just pacman -S packageName and hit enter and it will dl it for You:)

Cheers :D

Horacy PigulaHoracy Pigula

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