Install Vplug Dvbviewer

RE: [Release] DVBViewer Recording Service PVR - alan - 2012-10-11. The api is integrated in xbmc builds. So when you install the newest nightly. In this folder and xbmc should get rs+hadu. I tested with vplug and it works.

  1. Hi, i have install vplug 2.42 on pc and work newest dvbviewer version if i put keys in vplug with show monitor ca info tools quick constant dcw it s work fine.but if i switch the channel there is no picture anymore.
  2. 'C: DVB-APP '. The installed files should look like: C: DVB-APP Plugins vPlug.dll. A) It should work with dvb-viewer-pro in native mode.

The install process for DVBViewer Pro is split in two parts:

  • The actual setup for installing all the necessary program files to your computer. This is described in this chapter.
  • Running the DVBViewer Pro Wizard in order to configure all the necessary settings for DVBViewer Pro to function properly on your machine and with your DVB hardware. The steps will be explained here: DVBViewer Pro Wizard.

  • 2Starting the Setup
  • 10DVBViewer Pro Downloader


Before you start the install, check if you’ve got the latest version of the setup.exe. Registered users can always find the latest version of DVBViewer Pro’s setup.exe in our Members area at

In order to login to the Members area you’ll need your username and password that was emailed to you when you purchased DVBViewer Pro.

Important: You must download DVBViewer Pro’s setup.exe using exactly the same username and password combination as you’re going to use during the install process. (This is especially important for users with multiple licenses – if you downloaded setup.exe using username A and are then trying to install it with username B it will fail.)

Starting the Setup[edit]

Before you start the setup, make sure to save your work in other applications and close them. Especially applications related DVBViewer Pro (for example DVB Task Scheduler ) need to be closed before setup can continue.

Stop the Recording Service[edit]

If you’re using our Recording Service you need to stop it via the Service Control program before proceeding with the setup. To stop Recording Service right click on its systray icon Datei:SystemtrayIcon-Orange.png and then choose Stop Service. Once the service is stopped, the systray icon should change its color to gray:


Administrator Rights[edit]

Setup.exe needs administrator rights to install correctly. Windows will usually ask if it is OK for setup.exe to use administrator rights and everything should be fine.

  • Under Windows XP the automatic assignment of administrator rights only works if you didn’t rename setup.exe to something else. If it fails: try login in to your computer using an Administrator account before trying to install DVBViewer Pro
  • Under Windows Vista or Windows 7 this shouldn’t be an issue at all. But when in doubt: right click on setup.exe in file manager and choose “run as administrator” from the context menu to start the setup process.

The Setup[edit]

Confirm the welcome screen by clicking „continue“.

Accept the Licence terms and continue.

Choose target folder[edit]

Here’s where you can choose the target folder for DVBViewer Pro. In most cases the default is fine. Change only if necessary.

Important: When running Windows 7 or Windows Vista in any language other than English, do not manually rename C:Program Files to the localized language version of the program files folder of your Windows install. Localized versions the program files folder, like the German “C:Programme”, are just links to the actual “C:Program Files”. Go with the default “Program Files” instead - or Program Files (x86) for x64 Windows. (DVBViewer Pro is 32bit software and does belong in C:Program Files (x86))

Choose additional components to be installed[edit]

Select any additional component you want to install. If you’re not sure: you can always install these components later: simply run Start --> All programs --> DVBViewer --> Support --> Modify DVBViewer Pro to install additional components at any point in time without having to go through the complete setup process once more.

The first item in the components list is DVBViewer Main Files, these are the core files needed by DVBViewer and therefore this entry cannot be de-selected.

  • DVB-S Channel List
Choose “DVB-S Channel list (Astra 19.2°/Hotbird)” in order to install a channel list for the two satellites Astra 19.2E and Hotbird. Installing this channel list is only useful if you’re using DVB-S/S2 and either one (or both) of the two satellites and if you do not already have your own channel list.
Important': when doing an upgrade installation or if you already have your own channel list from a previous install, you might not want to select this to be sure setup wont overwrite your existing channel list. (Unless of course that’s exactly what you want to do: to start over with a fresh copy of the channel list.)

  • Plugins
Under Plugins you’ll find the entry for Netstreaming Plugin. The Netstream Plugin allows streaming the transponder (frequency) currently played in DVBViewer to external apps like for example VLC Player. Check to install or leave unchecked to skip.
If you plan to do a lot of streaming, you might want to give the Netstream Plugin a pass and go with the Recording Service instead. (Don‘t be fooled by its name, Recording Service has extensive streaming support).

Install Vplug Dvbviewer

Start menu program group[edit]

You can specify a different name for the program group that gets added to your start menu. There’s actually hardly a reason to change this, so we’d recommend leaving the default as it is.

Additional tasks[edit]

Check the box if you want a desktop shortcut icon for DVBViewer to be placed on the desktop for all users of this computer and a launch icon in the quicklaunch area (part of Windows' task bar) for the current user.

Set your configuration folder[edit]

This screen lets you choose how your configuration folder is going to be set up:

  • each user gets his own configuration folder ( = Usermode 1)
  • all users share a common configuration folder ( = Usermode 2)

For most common usage cases, the shared configuration folder (Usermode 2) is probably the best way to go. A more in depths explanation of the different usermodes can be found in the chapter Multiuser mode. If you’re planning to use more than one install of DVBViewer Pro on the same machine also read Multiple Installs

(If you’ve configured Usermode 0 manually you’ll have to reset your usermode after the install has finished.)


The „Perform Install“ screen lists a sumary of all options you’ve selected so far. Check if everything looks ok

and click on Install to begin copying files and have them registered in the system.

Username and Password[edit]

If this is the first time you install DVBViewer Pro on this computer (no previous registration files present) the KeyTool will be started. The KeyTool is used to register and unlock DVBViewer Pro using the username, password and key file you received in the confirmation email when you purchased DVBViewer Pro.

If for some reason KeyTool doesn’t start at the end of the installation process you can start it manually from the Start menu later.

1. First: select your key file. Your key file was attached to the email that contained your username and password. If you haven’t done so yet, save the attached key file to your hard drive, click Open, browse to the folder containing your key file and select it.

Please note: If you’re downloading your key file from a web based email interface there’s always the risk that your browser is changing the file extension. The key file’s file extensions needs to .dvbvkey , some browsers however change this to .htm or dvbvkey.txt . If that’s the case with your browser as well, you can either rename the file before you open it in key tool, or you can tell KeyTool to show file types “DVBViewer (other extensions)”, then browse for the key file (it is using a file name consisting of 16 hexadecimal digits (0..9, A..F) and select it. KeyTool will then rename the key file for you.

2. Enter your user name (that’s usually the email address you used for ordering DVBViewer Pro) or paste it from the email you received when you purchased DVBViewer.
3. Enter your password or paste it from the email.
invalid or unnecessary characters will be blocked or skipped automatically. There’s no need to enter the hyphens in your password, KeyTool will add them as you type automatically.
4. Compare the 3 digit checksum displayed in KeyTool with the checksum in your email. If they match, you should be all set. If the two checksums differ you most likely made a typo when entering username or password.
5. If checksums match, click save to install the key file and save username and password.

Your DVBViewer Pro is now fully licensed.

DVBViewer Pro Downloader[edit]

Next, DVBViewer Pro Downloader is started. It is used to download and install additional components.

DVBViewer Pro Downloader can also be re-run at any time later by choosing it from Windows’ Start menu.

The following components are currently available (April 2011):

(Selecting some of the components in this list will automatically select other dependend files)


These files are needed to use advanced features like CI, MMI, DiSEqC or Remote Controls for certain TV cards. Only select them if you do own the hardware in question and need these additional support files.

  • CI/Remote Support for Technotrend cards
Required for the support of the CI (Common Interface), MMI (CI-Menu) and remote control of Technotrend cards or identical in construction cards like for example the der Skystar HD. Also needs MS VC Runtime and the proper plugin for the remote control.
  • CI/Remote Support for FireDTV cards
Required for the support of the CI (Common Interface), MMI (CI-Menu) and remote control of FireDTV cards. Remote control also needs the proper plugin.
  • CI Support for KNC One cards
Required for the support of the CI (Common Interface) and MMI (CI-Menu) of KNC One devices. Also needs MS VC Runtime.
  • CI Support for Turbosight cards
Required for the support of the CI (Common Interface) and MMI (CI-Menu) of Turbosight devices.
  • CI Support for Anysee E7 PS2 cards
Required for the support of the CI (Common Interface) and MMI (CI-Menu) von Anysee E7 PS2 devices.
  • MS VC runtime libraries ...
Installs Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime components in whatever version is required.


  • Weatherimages
Install pictures required to use the weather info display in OSD. Only necessary if you want to see weather reports in DVBViewer.

Remote Plugins[edit]

  • FireDTV Remote V 1.1.1
This plugin enables support for FireDTV remote controls directly in DVBViewer Pro.
  • Technotrend Remote V 1.1.1a
This plugin enables support for Technotrend remote controls directly in DVBViewer Pro. Also requires 'CI/Remote Support for Technotrend Cards'. Also works with some Hauppauge devices and the Skystar HD as well. Does not work in Vista 64bit.
  • X10 Remote V 1.1.1
This plugin enables support for X10 remote controls directly in DVBViewer Pro.
  • MCE Remote V 1.0
This plugin enables support for MCE remote controls directly in DVBViewer Pro.

Also check the forum here for pre-configured input profiles for various remote controls.


  • Web Interface V 1.5
This plugin provides a browser based control panel ('Web Interface') for DVBViewer Pro. More details are available here.
  • Postprocessor Plugin 2.1.0
This plugin adds the 'Video Post Processor' sub-menu to the plugins menu of DVBViewer Pro. It allows enabling 3rd party post processors (like ffdshow, NVidia etc.) you might have installed on your computer to be used for video playback in DVBViewer Pro. More details can be found here and here.


  • DVBViewer Recording Properties
Enables the display of additional file information for DVBViewer Pro .TS recordings within Windows Explorer. See [1]. 32bit versions of Vista/Windows 7 only!

Finishing the Setup[edit]

If „view changelog.html' is checked the latest changelog is opened in your browser once you click on “Finish”. The changelog is part of the documentation for DVBViewer and lists all changes introduced since the last release of DVBViewer Pro, so it is a good idea to read it after installing any version of DVBViewer Pro. It might contain changes not yet discussed in the manual.

Check 'start DVBViewer Wizard' if you want to run DVBViewer Pro's Configuration Wizard after the install has finished (recommended if this is the first install of DVBViewer ever on this computer).

DVBViewer will also automatically launch this wizard if you try to run DVBViewer with no configuration present. Using the Configuration Wizard is meant to make the whole configuration process easier for new users by guiding the user along the individual steps necessary. All settings handled by DVBViewer’s Configuration Wizard are also available through the Options menu in the actual application later on.

Notice: If you’re upgrading from a previous install of DVBViewer Pro and have chosen to keep the old configuration folder intact and want to retain your old settings, you might want to uncheck this box.

Once setup has finished, DVBViewer Pro Wizard will be started. Unless you told it not to by unchecking the checkbox mentioned in the last paragraph.

DVBViewer Pro Wizard will guide you through the initial configuration of DVBViewer Pro. All settings affected by the Wizard can be adjusted at any later time by going through the Options menu in DVBViewer or by running the Wizard once more. To start the Wizard manually, go to Start--> All Programs--> DVBViewer--> DVBViewer Pro Wizard'.

If, after the first few hours of operation, you feel the need to further adjust DVBViewers settings, you can do so via the extensive Options menu. We strongly suggest reading up on all the individual settings first, so here’s a chapter explaining all the Options available.

If you want to make DVBViewer’s interface look prettier, check out this chapter: OSD-Skins

Installing updates is pretty much the same as a standard install, there are just a few things to note:

Install Vplug Viewer

1. Even though usually all settings will be retained when installing an upgrade, it is never a bad idea to create a backup of your configuration folder. Also, you might want to hang on to a copy of your current versions setup.exe. Only the last few revisions are available for download in our members area, so the setup.exe of your trusted but maybe ancient version might no longer be listed there. (The setup.exe of your currently installed version can always be found in DVBViewers setup subdirectory on your local harddrive.)

Dvbviewer Torrent

2. Always install into exactly the same target folder where your previous version was installed. Or in other words: install the update on top of the existing versions. (Unless you’re trying to go from trial to pro version, see Upgrading from Trial to Pro)

3. In the “additional components to install” list during setup, make sure to uncheck „DVB-S Channel List“ if you would like to keep your current channel list intact. Leaving it checked will overwrite your existing channel list.

4. If you had manually configured Usermode 0 in usermode.ini you’ll have to reset it to 0 yourself after the install finished.

5. If you downloaded the new setup.exe using a different username & password than you used for the previous version, you’ll have to rerun KeyTool manually after the setup finished to update your registration data.
Remember: you need to download setup.exe using exactly the same username and password you’re going to use in KeyTool to be able to sucessfully unlock the Pro version.

6. On the last page of the setup assistant (see Finishing the setup ) you’ve got an option to prevent the launch of the DVBViewer Wizard by unchecking its checkbox. Do so in order to make sure your settings aren’t changed.


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  • becksgun


    Likes Received
    1. Box&Image
    Apple TV 4 Gen. 64 Gb. OS 10.2.2 JB backr00m + KODI 17,6
    2. Box&Image
    Kaffeine + sc-Plug & Ubuntu + Terratec Cinergy 1200C
    3. Box&Image
    Terratec Cinergy 1200C + Win10 Pro & DVB Viewer Pro v 6.1.4 + ACamd + vPlug + mdPlug
    4. Box&Image
    DM 800-C original 500Gb OoZoon oe.1.6 + GP3
    5. Box&Image
    IPhone 3G / 4S / 5S / 6S / 7 / SE / X / + e2remotePro & Mac Book Pro - macOS Mojave 10.14.5 + KODI 17.6
    Kabel Deutschland
    vPlug 2.4.1
    * Added two options in vPlug.ini for controlling CSA scrambled pids
    + It should work with dvb-viewer-pro in native mode
    + Set DecodeTeleTextPid = 1 in vPlug.ini for decrypting CSA scrambled TeleTexts (For example, ORF1 HD)
    + Set DecodeAllCSAScrambledPIDs = 1 in vPlug.ini for decrypting everything! (all of the CSA scrambled pids which is not recommended in normal cases)
    * *SIDSA module update 27.01.2009
    * *Digi-TV AU fix 28.12.2008
    vPlug 2.4.0
    * Added SIDSA support (JSC sports on NileSat) ( Nilesat 12284 V 27500 JSC Sports +1, JSC Sports +2, JSC Sports +3, JSC Sports +4 OK. These channels are giving live matches in Italian Serie-A, Spanish La Liga, Turkish Super lig and English sound is available..)
    * N1 ROM7 AU fix (f
    vPlug 2.3.9
    * Nagra1 ROM11 AU fix. (This issue interests UK (England & Ireland) cable users only!)
    vPlug 2.3.8
    * Added temporary NDS support (for Premiere).
    * Added Providers name column to CA-Info list.
    * Added expired OP key detector and keys meaning to in use keys list.
    * * TPS should work with the last 'good' <expired> tps.bin.

    Post was edited 5 times, last by becksgun ().

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