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Power Rangers Wild Force Episode Clips. Power Rangers Wild Force - Power Rangers summon the Savage. Power Rangers Wild Force - Forever Red Ranger Morphs and. Power Rangers Wild Force. Sequence to the 10th season of Power Rangers, Power Rangers Wild Force. Right forever. Wild Force Power Rangers!


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Rangers together! Samurai forever!
'Gold Power!'

The 18th and 19th season of the Power Rangers franchise, using Ranger, Monster, and Zord footage from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. It was the first season since Power Rangers Wild Force to be entirely directed and produced by Jonathon Tzachor.

In feudal Japan, Nighloks from the otherworldly Sanzu River emerged from cracks in the human world and terrorized the populace until a group of Samurai united to stop them. When the Nighloks begin appearing again in the present day, five young descendants of those samurai are gathered to train in the ways of their families' 'Samurai Symbols of Power' and stop the Nighloks' efforts of using humans' tears of despair to make the Sanzu River flood the human world.

The first season produced by Haim Saban after taking the license back from Disney, it was that Saban was banking on nostalgia for the originalMighty Morphin' Power Rangers. They revived the classic theme song and referenced it in the morph call, and they got Paul Schrier to reprise his role as Bulk, half of the original series' Those Two Guys. The approach appeared to pay off where it counted, as Samurai did pull in solid ratings, unlike Jungle Fury and RPM, and easily got renewed.


Due to some oddities with how Nickelodeon handles episode orders, the show and future seasons are split into two and the second half of this series is branded as Power Rangers Super Samurai.

Succeeded by Power Rangers Megaforce.

Recurring Power Rangers tropes include:

  • Big Bad: Master Xandred.
  • Chest Insignia: The team logo on the left over the heart and personal kanji on the face of the helmet.
    • Brought to You by the Letter 'S': The kanji qualify.
  • Chrome Champion: The Gold Ranger has a lot of blue on his suit (black in Mega Mode), but enough shiny gold bits to count.
  • City of Adventure: Panorama City. Its name wasn't revealed until episode 30, visible on close-up shots of Mia's driver's license.
  • The Dragon: Serrator
  • Evil Plan: Xandred's plan to use humans' tears of despair to make the Sanzu flood the human world.
  • Five-Man Band:
    • The Leader: Jayden
    • The Big Guy: Kevin
    • The Heart: Mia
    • The Lancer: Mike
    • The Chick: Emily
    • The Smart Guy/Sixth Ranger: Antonio (The Smart Guy role may shift to Mike or Kevin depending on the episode - Mike for unique battle strategies, Kevin for zord combinations - but Antonio got it most of the time due to his Techno Wizard skills.)
  • Advertisement:
  • Five-Token Band: The Red and Yellow Rangers are Caucasian, the Blue Ranger is African-American, the Green Ranger is Latino, the Pink Ranger is Asian, and the Gold Ranger is Mexican-American (blatantly and stereotypically so).
  • Fleeting Demographic Rule: The last time that Power Rangers had this many puns and this much Japanese culture was Power Rangers Ninja Storm, eight years before. Incidentally, Ninja Storm was also the only previous season to have a Samurai-based Ranger.
    • Ninja Storm itself is this to the third season of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, also with an eight year gap. Freaky.
  • Home Base: The Shiba House
  • Humongous Mecha: The Samurai Megazord
    • Animal Mecha
      • Bears Are Bad News: Bear Zord
      • King of Beasts: Lion Zord
      • Instant Awesome: Just Add Dragons!: Dragon Zord
      • Turtle Power: Turtle Zord
      • Everything's Better with Monkeys: Ape Zord
      • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Beetle Zord
      • The Catfish: Swordfish Zord (it at least takes this role during its debut episode)
      • Panthera Awesome: Tiger Zord
      • Noble Bird of Prey: the Samurai Battlewing, formed from the Beetle, Swordfish, and Tiger Zords
      • Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Octozord
      • Giant Enemy Crab (giant arthropod, at any rate; it's a lobster): Clawzord
      • Threatening Shark: Shark Zord
      • A Load of Bull: Bull Zord
    • Combining Mecha: The main team shares the Samurai Megazord, and it can then join with the Clawzord to form the Claw Armor Megazord. The secondary zords can combine, too; the Beetle, Tiger, and Swordfish form the Samurai Battlewing and those three plus the Octozord are the Samurai Battle Cannon. Finally, all of the above mecha can combine with the Bull Zord and optionally the Shark Zord for the Samurai Gigazord.
    • Mecha Expansion Pack: The Beetle, Tiger, Swordfish, Octo, and Shark Zords
    • Transforming Mecha: The Folding Zords (rather than the usual warrior mode, they change to and from a compact emblem mode), the Clawzord, the Light Zord, and the Bullzord
  • Lull Destruction: During segments utilizing sentai footage (including Megazord fights), everyone is ridiculously chatty, including the Monster of the Week. Tropes Are Not Bad, though - the main fight scene in 'A Sticky Situation' involved the Green and Blue Rangers having to coordinate attacks, so the addition of them giving each other instructions on what to do next helped.
  • Make My Monster Grow: The 'second life' concept from Shinkenger carries over here - the monsters just kinda grow on their own after blowing up.
  • The Mentor: Ji, though Everyone Calls Him 'Mentor' more often than not.
  • Mooks: Moogers, including Megazord-sized Giant Mook versions.
  • Motifs: Elemental Powers
    • Playing with Fire: Jayden
    • Making a Splash: Kevin
    • Blow You Away: Mia (who even names the trope in 'Origins Part 1')
    • Green Thumb: Mike
    • Dishing Out Dirt: Emily
    • Light 'em Up: Antonio. He also has a seafood motif on top of that.
  • Never Say 'Die':
    • Sure, pretty standard fare for Power Rangers, but it's especially noticable with the kids in 'Deal with a Nighlok' and 'Jayden's Challenge'; their problems were switched to fathers far away for their jobs from a dead grandfather in the former, and in the latter a father who'd actually died in a recent monster attack. It's especially baffling given that other series haven't shied away from people having someone die in the backstory, and Never Say 'Die' has usually presented as simply finding alternatives to the word. Pretending nothing really bad ever has or can happen to anyone is definitely new. But the second half goes Darker and Edgier and bad things definitely do happen to good people.
    • It's also noticable because of a plot point: Jayden doesn't want his friends to die for him, and as such tried to abandon the team. Since we can't say 'die', we get a lot of 'Don't want to put them in harm's way's, or 'We know the risks'. Sometimes it can get even confusing. That said, the origin makes references to Jayden's dad's 'last words' and his 'final battle'. They don't use the word dead (as usual), but there's really no other way to take it.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: As Saban has taken to hire Americans for the primary cast here in, this doesn't come up as much compared to the Disney era. However, the show is still shot in Auckland, so this is now mostly reserved for the guest characters. Could also apply to Mentor Ji, though in his case it might be just Not Even Bothering with the Accent.
  • Precursor Heroes: The original samurai
    • Heroic Lineage: ...and their descendants.
  • Recycled IN SPACE!: Power Rangers as SAMURAI! (Of course.)
  • Sealed Evil in a Can:
    • The Sanzu River is one to the Nighloks, as nobody can last long away from the river before they dry out. Only a monster and some Mooks are able to go out at a time, trying to increase peoples' despair and sorrow in order to make the Sanzu's water level rise until it seeps into and floods the human world.
    • Master Xandred was sealed in the river by Jayden's father. Due to the seal being done wrong (which stems from the previous Red Ranger having insufficient power at the time), it causes him headaches.
      • 'The Master Returns' seems to imply that he's still trapped to some degree, as flashbacks show he could previously leave the Sanzu River without drying out, a problem he has now.
  • Super Mode: Literally called 'Super Mode', with a long white vest over the regular Ranger suit. There's also a red version called 'Shark Attack Mode', and both of these have their own Mega Mode versions. (The Mega Modes and Shogun Mode look like this, but since they're not actually used for fighting, they don't count. Jayden uses the Shogun Mode at the final episode, though.)
  • Thememobile: Averted; the Samurai Rangers have some transportation at their disposal (a Van in Black and Ji's Cool Bike), but no special Ranger vehicles.
  • Weapon of Choice
    • Katanas Are Just Better: Spin Swords
    • BFS: Jayden's Fire Smasher
      • BFG: Fire Smasher Cannon Blast Mode and the Bullzooka
    • The Straight and Arrow Path: Kevin's Hydro Bow
    • Combat Hand Fan: Mia's Sky Fan
    • Blade on a Stick: Mike's Forest Spear
    • Fuuma Shuriken: Emily's Earth Slicer
    • Reverse GripIaijutsu Practitioner: Antonio's Barracuda Blade. He uses Sheath Strike, too.
    • Improbable Weapon User: Antonio's secondary weapon set, the Light Zord disc-shooting lantern and a Lawman Baton.
    • Whip Sword: Shark Sword
  • Word Power
    • By the Power of Grayskull! or Invocation: 'Go Go Samurai!' and 'Gold Power!'
    • Bond One-Liner: 'Samurai Rangers, victory is ours.'
    • In the Name of the Moon: 'Rangers Together! Samurai Forever!'
    • Transformation Name Announcement: 'Samurai Ranger, ready!' and 'Samurai Megazord! We are united!'

Power Rangers Samurai contains examples of:

  • Ac CENT Upon The Wrong Syl LA Ble: In 'The Tengen Gate', everyone pronounces Daisuke as 'Dye-SOO-Kay'. (It should sound closer to DYE-skay)
  • Adaptation Induced Plothole:
    • By virtue of being almost a note for note translation of Shinkenger, elements that were present in the source material but not here become glaringly obvious when one knows about both. There are several, but probably the biggest, as noted down in Artistic License – History, is that Jayden and Lauren being siblings messes up the twist at the end quite a bit. In Shinkenger, Takeru is a Body Double for Kaoru and wasn't a real Shiba, thus his reasons for not wanting the other Shinkengers to fight with him is based on his feelings that they shouldn't risk their lives over a lie. The omission of a direct counterpart to Tanba also cuts out much of the tension between Kaoru/Lauren and the other Shinkengers/Samurai Rangers, while Lauren is also much friendlier than Kaoru was (at first, anyway), so their rejection of her is very forced by comparison.
    • A smaller one is the much maligned decision by Mentor Ji to take Antonio's morpher away. While it does happen in Shinkenger, Jii does have much stronger reasons for doing it. Namely that Genta is an even bigger doofusnote than Antonio is, and the Sushi Changer was at least partially created using the power of both the Octopus Origami and a Hidden Disk that Takeru had given him, so Jii at least is taking back something that rightfully belongs to the Shiba household because of its origin. The omission of the tinier details causes the scene to take on a very different tone than the original, making Mentor Ji out to be an Elitist Jerk Ass rather than well intentioned but harsh.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Due to the Compressed Adaptation involved in translating Shinken Red's characterization to Samurai Red, Jayden is forced to essentially learn to accept being part of a team twice in a row. note
  • An Aesop: Before the show began, one of the producers mentioned that Saban was going to use the show as a platform to encourage healthy eating and exercise to kids. Since it was mentioned so early in production, there was a little concern that the show might become ham-fisted and preachy (but not much, since environmentalism and other Aesops have been part of the show since day 1. The exercise aspect has been pushed through a series of videos titled Power Rangers emPOWER on Saban's Power RangersYouTube account, but it's been mentioned very little in the show so far, and the Rangers are seen eating cotton candy and chasing down an ice cream truck at various times.note
  • All Your Powers Combined: The upgrades provided by the Black Box are described as this.
    • The Gigazord, a combination of the Megazord, Battlewing, Clawzord, Octozord, and Bullzord for an 11-in-1 ultimate combo. It's finisher attack focuses these powers through its sword.
      • The Shark Zord replaces the normal sword in the final battle against Serrator, bringing this trope full-circle.
  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: A surprising amount of research into actual samurai went into the show, to the point some people have assumed the writers didn't do their homework due to how obscure certain elements are. For example, the 'ninja mask' that appears before the Ranger's helmets appear were actually worn by real samurai to help hold their helmets in place, and the face in the belt of Shogun Mode is based off actual belt buckles worn by certain noble samurai.
    • Most of this was simply carry over from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger.
  • Anachronism Stew: Apparently, Feudal Japan had spandex suits...
  • And I Must Scream: In 'Trading Places,' the new Nighlok can place human souls into inanimate objects. While the victims can still talk and be heard by other victims, everyone else can't hear them and has no idea what has happened. Worse, destroying the object means death for the affected person - leading to lots of unheard pleas for help.
  • Artistic License – History: In the case of traditional Japanese clans, such as those who can trace their lineage to samurai, the title of clan leadership passes down first to the first son of the family. Even if the son has a older sister, the son will still be the leader of that clan/family. Girls can only become the leaders if there is no male heir (by birth or adoption). In other words when one actually follows samurai lore, there shouldn't have even been a debate about Jayden's position as leader, since his older sibling is a female. The only way this would be a problem would be if Jayden wasn't really a Shiba at all (again by birth or adoption).Shinkenger's version of the plotline was historically accurate, but it's considered unacceptably sexist in modern America and so had to be changed.
  • Art Shift: First season of PR to be shot in HD.
  • Ascended Extra: Well, Lauren's counterpart was hardly an extra, but we got to know Lauren a lot better than we did Kaoru.
  • Ax-Crazy: Arachnitor, post-mutation.
  • Badass Longcoat: The Super Samurai Mode provides the person using it a vest with long coat tails. Same goes for Shark Attack Mode but in red.
  • Batman Gambit:
    • Following the one made in Shinkenger to a T in 'There Go the Brides' (except they didn't have Kevin playing the other bride): they set up two fake brides - Mia as the obvious decoy and Emily as the 'real' bride.
    • This is also attempted by the Nighlok Eyescar in 'The Rescue' as he sets up a trap where the only apparent way to save the captured Antonio and Ji is to follow the trail that leads into an army of Mooks. It fails because Jayden sees right through it and destroys them all with an aerial strike from the Samurai Battlewing.
  • Behind the Black: In Antonio's introductory episode he's on the run from Kevin and Emily. They stop to have a loud discussion about where Jayden is and what kind of help he needs before running off. Antonio promptly emerges from behind a wall that they really should have been able to see past, especially considering he's dragging his fish cart along with him.
  • Bottle Episode:
    • Done with 'Trickster Treat', which may have been a contractual obligation; shot well after production had wrapped and not long before Power Rangers Megaforce started shooting. The episode uses no original footage recyling stuff from other episodes of Samurai, even recycling stuff from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger that normally would've been edited out, such as the Kuroko. It even features Mako standing in for Mia at one point, with only clever editing attempting to hide it. Only the main 6 Rangers were in this with no supporting characters.
    • 'Stuck on Christmas' did it as well, though it actually used original footage, mainly the Megazord cockpit and the Shiba house intertwined into a Clip Show. Also of note this episode used very little Shinkenger footage and the main unmorphed fight scene was recycled from an earlier episode. Plus none of the actors minus those for Ji, Bulk and Spike appeared in this with the ranger actors once again confined to the audio booth with Antonio mysteriously missing most likely due to the Shinkenger footage not featuring Shinken Gold.
  • Bowdlerize:
    • In 'The Blue and the Gold,' Antberry has to chop up thirty toys to create a portal to the Sanzu River from a well. In Shinkenger, however, this plan involved chopping up a group of young girls, something that probably would have been considered too sinister for a children's show on American TV.
    • Dayu and Deker's backstories, too. Considering Shinkenger!Dayuu fell to Gedou burning the wedding reception of the lover who scorned her to the ground, taking him with her as her shamisen and Juzo (Deker) fell to Gedou because he was an assassin who cared for nothing but killing, and Uramasa was his unspecified female family member's soul in blade form. However, this makes Deker more sympathetic, and therefore more tragic when he can't be saved.
    • See Frothy Mugs of Water down below regarding Doukoku Chimatsuri's sake.
  • Bilingual Bonus: The Symbols of Power used by the Rangers are never exactly translated. One can get a basic understanding of what they mean by seeing the context they're used in, but they're rarely given an outright translation.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Antonio gets these the first time he morphs. Justified because he's a shiny Chrome Champion.
    Emily: Wow! He's so sparkly!
  • Black Box: The name of the Applied Phlebotinum du jour of Super Samurai. It seemed to fill the 'nobody knows how it works' trope prior to that before Antonio worked on it.
  • Blood Knight: Deker seeks a battle with a worthy opponent, for its own sake, and once he has his sights set on Jayden he'll even attack other Nighloks to keep them away fromhis destined rival.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: After making short work with Moogers in 'Room For One More', Antonio turns to the camera and gives an instant replay that slows down the fight, allowing audiences to see what had happened.
  • Bride and Switch: Double pulled by Mia and Emily on Dayu in 'There Go The Brides'.
  • Broken Aesop:
    • The Red Ranger stays behind to train on his day off while all the other Rangers go to an amusement park. His master says that in order to master his weapon, he needs balance in his life and should have more fun. The Ranger shrugs him off and eventually masters the weapon with more training, even after all these hints that in order to master his weapon, he needed to have more fun.
    • 'Kevin's Choice' is about Kevin having to accept that his being a Ranger meant putting certain life things on hold for the greater good, (in this case, a potential swimming tournament) as his presence in such a public situation could put the citizenry in danger. The ending of the Episode however involves Kevin accepting this necessity.... and then competing in the tournament anyway after the MOTW is defeated, doing the exact thing the Episode had been warning him against the entire time without any justification, note rendering the whole Episode's conflict completely pointless.note
  • Butt Biter: During the Megazord battle with Eyescar, he has a grip on the Claw Battlezord, using it as a Human Shield (so to speak) against the Samurai Megazord. Cue the summoning of the Sharkzord, which runs around behind him and chomps him on the backside so he'll let go.
  • Call-Back:
    • In 'Christmas Together, Friends Forever', Mike gives the motorcycle he received away to Bulk and Spike (who had lamented over not being able to afford one at the beginning of the episode). Bulk and Skull had a motorcycle they used as a patrol bike back in Power Rangers Zeo.
    • In 'Runaway Spike', Spike's attempts to hold a job recall those of his father and Bulk in Power Rangers Turbo.
    • Mia is an Asian samurai Ranger whose last name is shown on her driver's licence to be Watanabe. Power Rangers Ninja Storm had Cameron Watanabe, an Asian samurai Ranger.
    • In 'A Crack in the World', Antonio morphs in a photo booth, a nod to an episode of Power Rangers in Space where Carlos doing that (and the energy causing the booth to photograph it) was a plot point.
  • Call a Rabbit a 'Smeerp': Two examples...
    • Dayu's shamisen is referred to as a 'harmonium.'
    • The Kyoryu ('dinosaur') Disc becomes known as the 'Shark Disc.' By extension, this also applies to the Kyoryu Origami becoming the Shark Zord.
  • Calling Your Attacks: The show has an odd variant - the characters write their attacks in Japanese kanji. Justified as that's the way magic works for them.
  • The Cameo: Jason Narvy as Skull in the last episode!
  • Captain Obvious
    *giant beetle appears*
    Mia: 'A Zord came out of that disc!'
  • Cerebus Retcon: In 'Trading Places,' Antonio has his soul placed in a fish. The majority of it is played for laughs, especially when he starts to spoil, up to and including nearly getting eaten by a cat (his faint after changing back was one of the funniest parts of the episode.) In the next episode, 'Something Fishy,' Antonio is completely shell-shocked by the whole thing, and the situation's played almost entirely seriously.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Multiple episodes see Jayden angst about sending his friends into danger.
  • Clip Show: The first set of holiday episodes: 'Party Monsters', where the villains get together for a Halloween Party to discuss how the Samurai Rangers defeated them; and 'Christmas Together, Friends Forever'.
  • Combat Commentator: Deker during the Jayden/Kevin fight in 'I've Got A Spell On Blue', though he's doing more color/analysis than play-by-play.
  • Comedic Underwear Exposure:
    • During the training sequence in 'The Team Unites', a rougher stunt causes Kevin's pants to go down, revealing his blue briefs.
    • Happens to Bulk and Spike when Negatron blasts them with an insult.
    • And Antonio inadvertently rips his own pants when he arrives at the Shiba house in #12.
    • Mike leans forward to reach a palette of tea in 'The Tengen Gate', giving the camera an accidental non-comedic glimpse of the top-back of his boxers for a brief instant.
  • Continuity Nod: In the origin episode Bulk mentions he has a history with Power Rangers.
    • Santa is shown as real in the Christmas Episode, something previously seen (and used as a plot-point) in 'I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger'.
  • Contrived Coincidence: The fact that a group of ancient samurai mingled with non-Japanese to have descendants that make the perfect Five-Token Band. Granted, this is the same show that says the British colonized California, but still...
    • Or Black Vikings: We can't rule out the possibility that the original samurai were a Five-Token Band themselves.
    • Aluminum Christmas Trees: Yes, there is at least one instance of a feudal samurai that wasn't Japanese, as seen here. Japan also had the Nanban Trade Period in the 16th and 17th century, where they traded a lot with the Portuguese, Spanish, and Dutch.
  • Christmas Special: Two of them actually, since this series was split into two seasons, they were panned for being Clip Shows but worth noting because this was the first time Power Rangers had done Christmas specials since Power Rangers Zeo.
  • Culture Chop Suey: The Nighlok Robtish, who can be described as a ScottishSamurai.
  • Cultural Translation: Dayu's Harmonium is a Shamishen as named in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. (A harmonium is a type of keyboard instrument, not a guitar or banjo like instrument.)
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Xandred performs one to show exactly why he's the Big Bad in 'The Master Returns'.
  • Cute Kitten: A neighborhood stray makes a few appearances in early episodes of Super Samurai.
  • Deal with the Devil: A minor one, a kid makes a deal with a Nighlok in which if he throws away his baseball things (and therefore, his dream), he would see his father again. In fact, the episode is called 'Deal With A Nighlok'.
    • 'Broken Dreams' reveals that Dayu made a deal with a Nighlok to save Deker's life. Of course, the Nighlok being a Nighlok, both of them ended up being cursed.
  • Deliberate Injury Gambit: How Jayden beats Deker in their duel.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Dayu brings out a female Nighlok on the same week that Lauren debuts just to kick her tail.
  • Detachment Combat: The Samurai Megazord is able to split off its limbs, as shown in 'Sticks and Stones' against Negatron.
  • Determinator: In addition to the Rangers themselves, Negatron earns special mention. He just keeps trying to insult Emily despite the fact she doesn't feel any emotional pain from them rendering his powers useless. Taken to crazy extremes when he actually tries to insult the Megazord itself! Emily herself also counts because even when his insults do strike true she pushes through to continue the fight, and after the fight, she passes out due to how much she took.
    • Emily has her spirit (soul) taken and manages to wake up to give a pep talk to her team... sort of.
    • Jayden staying up all night to master the Beetle Disk kind of counts, but presents a surprising deconstruction (or Broken Aesop, depending on how cynical you are) as the moral of the episode is that it's actually not very useful to push yourself too far.
    • Kevin spends so much time and energy focusing on catching the Swordfish Zord, he ends up suffering from heat stroke, and even then goes right back to his mission the minute he wakes up.
  • Disappeared Dad: It's stated as clearly as possible for a Never Say 'Die' show that Jayden's dad (the previous Red Ranger) didn't survive his final battle with Xandred.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Bulk paying Bikers $5 in 'He's Not Heavy Metal He's My Brother' to act as bodyguards is eerily similar to when The Rolling Stones hired the Hells Angels to work security at Altmaont
  • Dream World: In the episode 'Broken Dreams'.
  • Dual Wielding: In the final episode, Jayden uses a disk to wield two Fire Smashers.
  • Dub Name Change: The Green Ranger's element has been changed from 'Wood' to 'Forest', likely because it avoids possible Double Entendre jokes or just sounds cooler. It even works with the kanji, as 森 (mori; the 'forest' kanji) is pretty much a large 木 (ki; the 'wood'/'tree' kanji, used in Shinkenger) stacked on two smaller 木.
    • The Kyoryu (Dinosaur) Origami is now the Shark Sword/Zord. Its toy got some fins added to it to look more sharklike, but the TV footage wasn't altered at all. (The toy version of the Light Zord similarly got retooled to become something else - a paper lantern to a spider - but this change doesn't apply to the show.)
    • Averted with Dayu, Ji, the Sanzu River, and the Shiba family, who all keep their Shinkenger names in some form or another (the Usukawa part of the Japanese Dayu's name didn't carry over, and Ji was just a nickname in Shinkenger).
    • Oddly enough, squid-themed Shitari's been renamed Octoroo and Ika Origaminote became the Octo Zord, giving the One Steve Limit its second kick in the face.
  • Dull Surprise: One of the main criticisms of Samurai is the wooden acting from all of the Ranger actors except for Antonio and Mike.
  • Dutch Angle: While Kevin was controlled in 'I've Got a Spell on Blue'.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Serrator in 'Broken Dreams'.
  • Environment-Specific Action Figure: Played with, as the Zord-piloting 'Mega Mode' armor is the standard in the toy line, and the basic Ranger suits are treated as the less-common variant.
  • Epic Fail: The Rangers' first attempt at forming the Samurai Megazord.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: Everything with the Power Discs.
  • Expy: Armadevil is one of Soccadillo, though the method of weakening his shell is more like what was done to Turbanshell (both from Mighty Morphin').
  • Fake Shemp: In the Power Rangers RPM crossover Antonio is only ever seen unmorphed from the back, and is dubbed by someone who sounds nothing like Steven Skyler.
  • Foreshadowing: Like in the original Sentai series, during a fight with Negatron, Jayden was called a liar and was said to have a secret. Episode 10 even ends with Ji telling him 'we'll tell them when the time is right'. Many episodes after have references to 'the secret'.
    • Not to mention all the times they refer to Dayu's past in 'There Go The Brides'.
      • And this exchange between Dayu and Monster of the Week Madimot from 'I've Got A Spell On Blue.'
      Madimot: 'When was the last time you had fun Dayu? Three centuries ago?
      Dayu: 'Well, actually, I...' (he interrupts her before she can finish)
    • And the distrust towards Deker.
    • 'The Tengen Gate,' in addition to reminding viewers about Jayden's secret, also foreshadows a bit of Dayu and Deker's back story, which is fleshed out in 'Broken Dreams'.
    • 'Origins Part 1', like its counterpart, gives us the line from Kevin 'I didn't know the Red Ranger was a girl'. Part of Jayden's secret is that the true Red Ranger really IS a girl.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: As seen here, one bride is namedEricaFong, another Brittany Pirtle,one couple's last names are Wetter and Beaver, and Aleisha Fraser's getting married twice in one day.
  • Frothy Mugs of Water: In Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, Dokoku Chimatsuri calms himself by drinking sake (rice wine). As Master Xandred, he's supposedly taking his 'medicine'.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: Antonio the Gold Ranger. ¡Fantastico!
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: When Dayu and a Monster of the Week are arguing, Xandred throws a Mooger at them to shut them up.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: Invoked in 'Party Monsters' with real worms served up as snacks. Twice.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Serrator's demise thanks to the Samurai Shark Gigazord. He even takes the time to hang a lampshade on it before exploding.
  • Handicapped Badass: In 'The Master Returns' Xandred was crippled with drying out yet still manages to wipe the floor with Jayden.
  • Harsh Word Impact: Negatron has a power of Snarkiness that sends his victims flying with insults, physically. During its first fight against the Rangers, he was able to slam down the Rangers with those insults, except Emily.
  • Hero Secret Service: Though not nearly to the extent of Shinkenger, the Samurai Rangers seem to have a small support network of allies (seen in 'The Tengen Gate' and 'The BullZord').
  • Hero Worship: When Lauren steps in to replace an injured Jayden, the other rangers seemingly cannot go a few minutes without citing how awesome or amazing they think he is. This becomes especially grating when they compare him against Lauren with her still in the room. (See The Woobie).
  • Hurricane of Puns: The Rangers and every Monster of the Week so far are guilty of this during the action sequences, which is no surprise due to the old school feel they're going for.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Bulk claims to be an expert in samurais when he told Spike after he arrived in Panorama City. Although he did state it out loud that he's an expert by watching most samurai movies.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: Symbol Power can do almost anything as long as you have enough energy and know the proper kanji. Including using 'red pony' to summon a Ford Mustang (though the actual kanji used was that for 'vehicle').
  • Informed Ability: Some of the characters are described with traits that match their Shinkenger counterparts... but said traits haven't been displayed in Samurai.
    • Also, Octoroo everytime tells Dayu or Master Xandred (and the audience) that the Monster of the Week is really evil, threatening and big and bad. Some monsters of the week also proclaim that they are very menacing, but they are shown to be the jerks at worst and are easily defeated and don't do anything that puts them to being actually evil.
  • Informed Flaw: At the end of the first season, Jayden implies that he somewhat enjoyed his duel with Deker. However, not only is there no indication of this during the duel in question, but Jayden all but ignores this implication for the rest of the show. Despite a Call-Back to these feelings made by Deker before their final fight, It's in no way built upon for the entirety of the battle, the one place where it ought to be relevant.
  • Insult Backfire: A plot point in 'Sticks and Stones', when the Nighlok Negatron converts mental anguish, caused by insults, into physical pain. Emily is immune, because her sister helped her when she was bullied as a child. He even lampshades it with his last words: 'My insults backfired!'
    • Also happens when one of the Rangers calls Negatron a bully. He replies that its 'the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me'.
  • ISO-Standard Urban Groceries: Mia's bag in 'Shell Game' has a french loaf sticking out of it, even though Jayden looks in and only sees the 'oysters, chocolate sauce and Brussels sprouts'. The french loaf also appears in 'A Sticky Situation'.
  • Jesus Taboo: Played with in 'There Go the Brides'; no mention of any religious figures, but the Cold Open takes place in what is explicitly referred to as a church, and the minister begins quoting 1 Corinthians 13 at one point.
  • Juggle Fu: Used in the Zord summoning sequence; as the Rangers toss their Spin Swords, transform into Mega Mode, and then catch the swords on the way to their Zords.
  • Lampshade Hanging: During 'Party Monsters' the villains reference how the Rangers always turn away right before they explode, referring to it again later as 'The Pose'.
  • Large Ham: Antonio is hammier than even most Power Rangers characters, which is really saying something. Does he know his theme is seafood and not pork?
    • Also, Bulk can be pretty hammy sometimes. Check his appearance in the Dream World in 'Broken Dreams'.
  • Last Minute Hook Up: Emily & Mike, with Mike deciding to leave with Emily after they've finally defeated Xandred. Even though Mike denies there's anything romantic going on, the two are clearly holding hands & the othe Rangers have looks on their faces that imply they aren't buying his protests.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: With the show being an almost Shot-for-Shot Remake of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, it was hard for many people to avoid spoilers and those who had seen Shinkenger knew exactly where the series was going.
    • Also the series started airing the final episodes in Latin America a couple months before the United States.
  • Lethal Chef: Mia. The other Rangers don't have the heart to tell her, though.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: The Nighlok in 'I've Got a Spell on Blue' takes over Kevin's mind and sets up a fight between him an Jayden. He also sets up a fight between Jayden's Lion Zord and the Tiger Zord.
    • And Jayden gets caught up in another one with Scott. Of course, with a title like 'Clash of the Red Rangers', what do you expect?
  • Lost in Translation: Much of Shinkenger's references to Japanese Mythology don't really cross over well into Samurai, in part because the symbolism just isn't that well known in the West. For example, the main villains of the season are based on the Seven Gods of Luck, while the Sanzu River is analogous to the River Styx.
  • Love Bubbles: Well, little floating hearts, but in Spike's first Imagine Spot of the Pink Ranger, they're there, even as she's slashing Moogers.
  • Magic A Is Magic A: Unlike with Mystic Force, Samurai sticks with the magic system set by Shinkenger. For example, the symbol to enlarge the Zords has been changed from 大 (dai, or 'big') to 超 (which Shinkenger used to merge the support Origami with Shinken-Oh), but it fits as it means chō or 'super', accounting for the Rangers' Mega Mode as well.
    • Of note also are the different kanji that Kevin tries to use to reel in the Swordfish Zord in 'Fish Out of Water' - most of them are related to fishing.
  • Magical Foreign Words: The Symbols of Power, even if the show hasn't acknowledged them as actual words.
  • Mass 'Oh, Crap!': Everyone's reaction to Master Xandred finally coming to Earth himself. Including Serrator!
  • Meaningful Echo: in 'Clash of the Red Rangers':
    (15 minutes in) Mike: 'I still don't trust him. And I don't like the way he looks at you.' Emily: 'He's wearing a helmet. How can you tell?'
    (44 minutes in) Scott: 'I do have eyes under here, you know. I've seen the way she looks at you.'
  • Mêlée à Trois: Done near the end of 'Test of the Leader', between Jayden, Deker, and Robtish.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: The Black Box provides the team with stronger powers, spiffy jackets, new mega armor and new Zord combinations.
  • Mundane Solution: In the early episodes at least, Nighlok spells and curses are repeatedly shown to be cleansed by pure water.
  • Mundane Utility: Mia uses her katana to make food in the kitchen.
    • Sentient, pocket-sized mecha that can move on their own make excellent game pieces.
  • Mythology Gag: Xandred regularly has a headache. And in 'Deal With A Nighlok', the monster throws his staff into the ground in a particularly familiar fashion.
    • Similarly, 'Day Off' has Bulk and Spike chowing down on cotton candy much like the clip used in the original's title sequence (from the first season episode 'No Clowning Around').
    • The new Samurai Rangers do the classic Mighty Morphin' hand-stack thing, albeit with their 'Rangers Together, Samurai Forever' in place of shouting 'Power Rangers!'
    • The use of the phrase 'Go Go Samurai' recalls the original theme song, which might make it the easiest morphing call to remember.
    • Not only does the whip-wielding Nighlok that can mind-control Ranger and Zord alike in 'I've Got a Spell on Blue' parallel the Lion Tamer Org, but this episode also features the full-fledged debut of Ricardo Medina Jr., previously the Red Wild Force Ranger, as Deker.
    • The monster in #12 actually utters Tommy's 'Aww man!'
    • The Megazord's battle helmets' idea originated from Zeo, although it's style is closer to that of of Jungle Fury's zord combinations.
    • Spike has a crush on the Pink Ranger. In Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Spike's dad had a crush on Kimberly, who was the first Pink Ranger ever.
    • Bulk uses a video camera to spy on the Rangers, though this time its to learn their moves rather than their identities.
    • While Mako's greatest fear was natto, Mia is afraid of frogs. She even kisses it, not on top like Madison did, but full on the mouth for the first liplock in Power Rangers since Tommy and Kimberly!
    • Mia's driving licence in 'A Strange Case of the Munchies' reveals her last name as Watanabe - any chance she's related to Sensei and Cam?
    • Bulk strikes the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' morphing pose with a handful of gumballs in 'Stroke of Fate'. IT'S CHEWING TIME!
    • In the Netherworld scenes, you can vaguely make out a few bars of Rita Repulsa's background music.
  • New Season, New Name: Samurai to Super Samurai. The first PR series since Power Rangers in Space to officialy have this trope, as the seasons from Lost Galaxy and RPM were more-along-examples of Sequel Series.
  • Nice Hat: The Samurai Megazord has a nice samurai helmet, and the Artillery Zords' main contributions to the Samurai Megazord are new helmets.
    • Weaponized Headgear: The Swordfish combination's finisher involves sticking its sword on its head and waving it around like that, while the Beetle forms a massive energy cannon. The Tiger's armaments are more on the shoulders, though.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Splitface receives this from the Rangers as revenge for stealing Emily's spirit.
  • No Swastikas: The background of the morphing sequence is based on that used in Shinkenger, but edited to remove the manji-like patterns (The Nintendo DS game, however, still has them).
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Every. Single. Child Actor who appears in Samurai will not even bother trying to hide their kiwi accents which can stick out like a sore thumb. Especially when we see flashbacks to young Jayden who suddenly has a Kiwi accent despite having an American accent as an adult.
  • Not So Stoic: Jayden. While he is more serious than his teammates, he isn't immune from engaging in witty banter during battle (which may be a step up from Shinkenger - in which it makes him seem more receptive to the team - or down - in which it saps authority that he must have as team leader - from Takeru's initial Ineffectual Loner behavior).
  • Official Couple: In flashback, Deker and Dayu are shown as this, until the tragedy that changed their lives forever.
    • After being teased off and on for nearly the entire run of the series, Mike and Emily finally become this in the finale.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: The Samurai Rangers except for Jayden get to visit the RPM-verse in the crossover, but all we get is 'The other RPM Rangers say 'Hi.'
  • Only One Name: We've heard of no surnames for half of the main characters. The ones we do know are Antonio Garcia, Jayden Shiba, Mia Watanabe; and long-known Farkus Bulkmeier and Spike Skullovitch, by virtue of his father Eugene. Kevin, Mike, Emily, and Ji, nor Deker and Dayu haven't had theirs mentioned.
    • Emily's sister in 'Sticks and Stones.'
    • The Kids Are American: Basically the majority of the kids so far, whether they're portraying younger versions of the Rangers or regular kids, have been unable to hide their New Zealand accents. Especially noticable when compared to the American accents used by adults in the same scene (Ryan and his dad in 'Deal with a Nighlok' and Young!- and current-Jayden and Antonio in 'Unexpected Arrival').
  • Opening Narration:
    'Three hundred years ago in Japan, the evil Nighlok monsters invaded. Only five had the power to stand against them. They are the Power Rangers Samurai.'
    • There's another variant as well (which is the one that is most commonly used before the non-continued episodes):
      'Centuries ago in Japan, Nighlok monsters invaded our world. But samurai warriors defeated them with Power Symbols, passed down from parent to child. Today, the evil Nighlok have risen once again and plan to flood the Earth. Luckily, a new generation of heroes stand in their way. They are the Power Rangers Samurai.'
  • Orcus on His Throne: Xandred can't leave the Sanzu, but even so he doesn't do much beyond nursing his headache. Sure, he authorizes Nighloks to go to the human world, but he doesn't exactly think up attack plans. Dayu does even less, being more of a court musician than anything else.
  • Out of Order: The first episode that Nickelodeon showed was the third episode Saban made, so we don't learn anything about how the Rangers got their powers or who the villains are. Though some of this information was shown in promos, including one that recapped some of the backstory that aired right before the premiere. This might have been done in an attempt to skip the boring setup and go right to the action, but unfortunately results in Lost in Medias Res. The 'real' premiere episodes were aired as Origins Specials midseason, some of the last before the change to Super Samurai. Netflix also follows the airing order, but the DVDs put 'Origins' Pt 1 and 2 at the beginning where they belong.
    • 'Clash of the Red Rangers' also was aired between the original batch of episodes and Super Samurai, this one being earlier than its intended place in the story with several power-ups and characters appearing out of nowhere.
  • Paranoia Gambit: The Nighlok Vulpes' plan was to make Jayden paranoid enough to reveal the Sealing Symbol.
  • Percussive Maintenance: The Light Zord sometimes gets its discs jammed, requiring a swift smack to its butt.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Octoroo. As The Smart Guy of the villains in a series that really doesn't need a monster-maker 'cause monsters just show up, can grow on their own, and Mooks are created by Xandred's bad temper, he often has little to do. He's also waist-high. Then he comes up with the poisoning plot and takes the field personally. And he is a really powerful fighter, doing more damage than Dayu or Deker, the more standard Dragons.
  • Potty Emergency: Kevin has one in 'A Sticky Situation'. While he and Mike are stuck together, by their wrists, front-to-front. Mike was not happy.
  • Pragmatic Adaptation: The morph. The original uses ink brushes that somehow writes colorful Japanese characters in the air. The American version uses a colorful LED that writes colorful Japanese characters in the air. Calligraphy brushes aren't as culturally important in America, but also the devices (which are otherwise identical despite the visual effect) look like complicated cell phones instead of magic wands.
    • To be fair, the original Sentai's morphers were cell phones that happened to contain a magic calligraphy brush.
    • And the previous set of Samurai Rangers (and Lauren) are shown using the ink brush style morphers as opposed to the modern one.
    • Special mention must be made of adapting the Green-stuck-with-Blue battle in 'A Sticky Situation', as Mike and Kevin now yell commands at each other to pull off the whole thing. In the original, the less talkative Shinkengers would have to have been using telepathy.note
  • Put on a Bus: Dayu and Deker basically disappeared from the first stretch of Super Samurai, Dayu having ditched Xandred and Deker presumably 'destroyed', before both of them turning up in 'Kevin's Choice'. Later, Xandred took some episodes off to recover after overexerting himself in 'The Master Returns'.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot:
    • Weird example. The automorph toys had masks covering their 'civilian' faces because they were being made while casting was still going on, so the toy makers couldn't know what the unmorphed Rangers looked like. As a result, the masks were added to the show's Transformation Sequence to justify their presence.
    • The reason why Bulk's scenes are so limited, and he rarely interacts with the rangers (despite having done so multiple times at this point in the franchise) is due to Paul Schrier being unable to relocate to New Zealand - meaning that either they come up with an entirely new character, or they include him, but in a very limited way (they went with the latter).
  • Rearrange the Song: The theme tune is a remix of MMPR's with the lyrics altered to replace any mention of Mighty Morphin with 'Rangers Together, Samurai Forever'. Bulk and Spike's theme also reuses some lines from Bulk and Skull's original theme.
  • The Rest Shall Pass: While Mike invokes this against a monster and is ultimately the one who brings it down in both the on-foot and Zord fights, he has help both times from Jayden and the rest of the Rangers respectively.
  • Role Reprisal: After nine years since his last appearance on Wild Force's 'Forever Red', Paul Schrier would reprise his role of Bulk for the entire series. On the last episode, Jason Narvy made a guest appearance as Skull.
  • Sealed Cast in a Multipack: With new zords being discovered and tamed and/or busted and unfinished equipment being brought out and repaired as the plot demands.
  • Self-Proclaimed Knight: Antonio
  • Sequel Number Snarl: The cause of some big ones for the franchise. First, it was referred to as Season 19 when it launched, placing the Mighty Morphin' Power RangersRe-Cut as an official season. Second, it was stretched over two years as two 20-episode seasons; and delaying Samurai's end until 2012 brought a lot of questions regarding how they were going to handle potential Goseiger and Gokaiger adaptations if Gokaiger was to be used as a 20th Milestone Celebration in 2013. They ultimately merged both Goseiger and Gokaiger into Power Rangers Megaforce.
    • As of Megaforce Samurai Mighty Morphin' Re-Cut is no longer considered a numbered season.
  • Sham Wedding: In one episode, the villains have been abducting women at their weddings, and so the Rangers arrange a fake ceremony between Jayden and Mia to lure the monsters to them.
  • Ship Tease: Mike with Emily, Jayden with Mia, Kevin with Mia, and Antonio with Lauren.
    • In 'Clash of the Red Rangers' Scott basically out right states that Emily and Mike have a thing for each other.
    • Mia often disusses Jayden's problems like when she practices with him after he rejects Antonio from the team and in 'Trust Me'.
    • Kevin and Mia are sort of shipped in 'Deal With A Nighlok'.
    • Antonio and Lauren talk about Jayden and his past, and Antonio calls Lauren cool.
  • Shot-for-Shot Remake: One of the biggest complaints against Samurai is that they're trying to replicate Shinkenger as closely as possible. Not only does this make it basically reruns for anyone who's seen Shinkenger, but because of Values Dissonance, they simply aren't able to do it as well.
    • As of 'Boxed In', this trope is subverted to some degree (while Genta manages to finish the Inroumaru in the corresponding episode, Antonio is unable to do the same for the Black Box, thus delaying the team's Super Mode). The next episode pretty much completely rewrites Dayu and Deker's histories, making both quite sympathetic.
  • Shout-Out: The Beetle Zord's combination with the Samurai Megazord is called the Beetle Blaster Megazord.
    • Bulk hiring bikers In 'He Ain't Heavy Metal He's My Brother' to work as bodyguards to protect them while they perform is a possible reference to when the Rolling Stones hired the Hells Angels biker gang to work as security at Altamont.
    • Antonio, Large Ham and Gadgeteer Genius, and just to hammer it home, Antonio can also mean 'Tony'. Interestingly, Mia actually says 'this isn't my first rodeo' in 'Clash of the Red Rangers', in different context from Agent Coulson of course.
    • Antonio uses a quick-draw style with a Reverse Grip, much like a certain blind swordsman.
    • One of Spike's Pink Ranger dreams has a tied up Mia proclaiming 'Help me, Samurai Warrior, you're my only hope!'
    • In the 'Origins' episodes, you can spot Totoro Drive in a map.
    • Negatron addressing a bunch of chicks as 'gossip girls'
    • In 'Clash of the Red Rangers' at one point Mike yells 'Let's rage against this machine!'
    • At the end of the Christmas Episode Bulk and Skull are seen riding the motorcycle Mike gave them past the moon, a la E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
    • 'He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My Brother' has Bulk and Spike's music act, or should we say Spikey Spike and the Fresh Bulk. And of course they had to include the line 'drop it like it's hot'.
      • The duo tried out wearing costumes in Bulk's garage that resembled Daft Punk.
    • The title of the 15th episode, 'The Blue and the Gold' is probably a reference to a certain duo ofsuperheroes.
    • The samurai raingers all use katana that each change into a unique weapon for greater power.
  • Shown Their Work: Samurai changes some of the kanji used in Shinkenger, but the new kanji are still relevant to the action onscreen. Let's take an example from 'Broken Dreams': in the original, Takeru writes 夢 ('dream') to allow Ryunosuke and Chiaki to jump into Genta's dream; in the adaptation, Jayden writes 門 ('portal' as he calls it, but loosely it means 'gate') to open the passage for Kevin and Mike to enter Antonio's dream.
    • The face in the belt of Shogun Mode is based off actual belt buckles worn by certain noble samurai.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: The monster of 'Sticks and Stones' attacks by giving short Hannibal Lectures and converting the emotional pain into physical pain. This leads to Emily using this trope to help defeat it.
  • Sleep Cute: Kevin and Mia.
    • Emily, riding piggyback on Mike. Okay, he isn't sleeping, but she's so Squee-tastic while she's asleep... Until the ice cream truck passes by and she wakes up.
  • Single Tear: Jayden produces one every so often.
  • The Snack Is More Interesting: 'A Sticky Situation'. Mike seems to think munching an apple during sword training makes him more badass. He actually sticks it on Kevin's sword to catch him off guard.
  • Soap Opera Disease: The vaguely defined sickness that caused Emily's sister to give up Ranger duty.
  • Something Completely Different: While a Clip Show or other How We Got Here moments aren't unique, 'Party Monsters' stands out by being told from the villain's perspective. Instead of the Rangers sitting around talking about their various battles, it takes places at a party in the afterlife, where the monsters are talking about how they were defeated.
  • The Starscream:
    • Arachnitor is an interesting example of a Monster of the Week that actually tried his hand at becoming Starscreamy to Master Xandred. Sadly, his attempt to overthrow him and become the new leader of the Nighloks didn't end so well for him, and he ended up being mutated through Cold-Blooded Torture as punishment for his betrayal.
    • Serrator later turns out to be this.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: When Madimot brainwashes Kevin, Dayu suggests he just make him 'turn his blade on himself'. Madimot shoots the idea down because he likes making the Rangers fight each other For the Evulz.
  • Sticky Situation: Thanks to a glue monster in - what else? - 'A Sticky Situation'. The main one featured was Kevin and Mike stuck together.
  • Stock Footage: While the use of Sentai footage is a given, the two Super Samurai specials, 'Trickster Treat' and 'Stuck on Christmas' use footage from previous episodes of Samurai, the former almost entirely made up of Stock Footage from both Shinkenger (there's even a quick shot of an untransformed Mako left in; her face is blurred, though) and Samurai. The latter actually does use quite a bit of original footage. See Bottle Episode above.
  • Sublime Rhyme: The team's rallying cry of 'Rangers together, Samurai forever!'
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Spike for his father, Eugene Skullovitch.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Mia discovers Dayu and Deker were once husband and wife, but a fire in their house mortally wounded Deker. As a result, Dayu made a Deal with the Devil, selling her soul to save Deker's life, unknowingly cursing him to be a half Nighlok who would forget he ever knew her. Mia actually feels sorry for Dayu after this.
  • Techno Wizard: Antonio. Particularly noticable because more than once there's been a broken piece of gear and someone's said 'I bet Antonio might be able to fix this!'
  • Tempting Fate: happens right off the bat in 'I've Got A Spell On Blue' and again in 'Shell Game'.
  • Theme Tune Cameo: Like the communicator signal back in Mighty Morphin', the 'Go Go Power Rangers!' riff is used in several places whenever a little jingle is needed for a scene.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Said by Mia to Doubletone, after finding out he lied to a little boy that he'd let him see his father again in exchange for him giving up baseball.
  • Title Drop: At the conclusion of 'The One That Got Away' Jayden looks into the camera and says 'We need to be... Super Samurai.'
    • In 'Fight Fire With Fire', Octoroo says the name of the episode.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Mia and Emily.
  • Training from Hell: Self-enforced by Jayden, when he tries to master the Secret Beetle Disc in 'Day Off'. He gets thrown back by its sheer force too many times to count, but he just won't give up.
    • Played for laughs in 'A Strange Case of the Munchies' to distract Bulk and Spike when they wander straight into the Shiba house. Bonus points for the horse stance and the eggs, taken straight out of the Jackie Chan training handbook.
  • Turn in Your Badge: Ji makes Mike hand over his Samuraizer in 'Forest For The Trees', and a variant when he confiscates Antonio's morpher in 'Room for One More'.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: In episode 8 several civilians are in plain sight of the Nighlok fighting the Rangers and are too busy crying from the fact that the monster made it rain to run away. Justified in that said rain is supposed to make them feel too hopeless to even think of doing anything else.
    • In 'Jayden's Challenge,' the young boy Jayden meets seems more interested in the paper airplane Jayden made than the fact that he made the plane from paper he summoned by drawing it in the air with his Samuraizer. Even though Jayden did tell him it was a trick of his, we don't hear anything like 'wow! How did you do that?' from the kid.
  • Van in Black: Kevin gets a ride in one at the beginning of 'Fish Out Of Water.' Mia rides in one to meet the other Rangers in the origin.
  • Verbal Tic: Octoroo tends to pepper his lines with 'ooh-ah-ooh!'
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: A first for Power Rangers, as Kevin makes himself eat Mia's cooking only to hork it back up later.
  • The War on Terror: Possibly Level Blue in 'Deal With A Nighlok.' The boy mentions his dad is in the army, so it's possible that it's referring to this.
  • Wedding Smashers: Dayu's scheme in 'There Go the Brides.' The Cold Open makes use of Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace, as well.
  • Wham Episode: 'The Tengen Gate'. Jayden is poisoned by Octoroo and is taken away somewhere else by Deker, while Mike, Mia, Kevin and Emily are defeated by the Monster of the Week and knocked unconscious.
    • 'The Master Returns' has Xandred temporarily arriving on Earth to effortlessly beat all the Rangers, shrug off all of their attacks, hitting Jayden hard enough to de-morph and seriously injure him, and sending Serrator running in fear. Note that he does all of this while rapidly drying out!
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In 'Clash of the Red Rangers', Sharkjaw isn't so much as mentioned again after jumping off Xandred's boat.
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: There are conflicting pieces of information as to what country it's located in. The citizens and English writing of the town suggest that it is in America, but there are some locations that imply it to be in Japan. Notably, 'The Tengen Gate' implies that the the titular gate, the site of the Nighlok's first defeat, is not too far from the Samurai Rangers' hometown. However, the introduction in each episode points out that the Nighloks first appeared in feudal Japan, making things more difficult to sort out. There is also the temple in 'There Go The Brides,' as well as the torii seen in 'An Unexpected Arrival,' to add to the confusion.
    • 'The Bullzord' gives us the titular zord, 'first brought into being by symbol power' then locked up by the original samurais... and apparently it's within walking distance of the Shiba house since a 9 year old boy run away from home to the Shiba house to get help releasing it.
    • 'The Strange Case of the Munchies' adds more confusion as Mia's driver's license says her address is Panorama City, PR 649815. Problem here is that no American city has a 6-digit ZIP code and since Antonio is the only person on the show to speak Spanish, albeit badly, that pretty much rules out Puerto Rico.
    • American money is seen on at least a couple of occasions such as when Bulk pays some bikers $5 to be security in 'He's Not Heavy Metal He's My Brother'.
    • 'A Crack in the World' reuses Shinkenger footage of a bird's-eye view of the island of Japan, though the entire island is never seen all at once so those who don't know better might see it as just a peninsula somewhere.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: 'Something Fishy' deserves special mention for adapting the corresponding arc from Shinkenger without losing the context. While Genta's fear of his own Sushi Changer stemmed from his soul getting trapped in sushi that was almost eaten, Antonio developed a fear of his weapon (the fish-shaped Barracuda Blade) instead, after being trapped in a regular fish. The other Rangers' fears have been changed (the haunted house is swapped for regular old spiders for Jayden), with a Call-Back to boot as Kevin's test of courage involves Mia's cooking.
  • Words Can Break My Bones: Symbol Power
  • Worf Had the Flu: When Master Xandred makes his first appearence to the Rangers in 'The Return of The Master' he rapidly dries out moments after getting to Earth due to the previous generation's seal on him. However, far from being weaker than expected, he was immensely powerful and his needing to retreat to avoid crumbling away is the only reason that the Rangers survived! The final episode was played more straight: after absorbing Dayu and becoming part human, he gained immunity to drying out and the sealing spell, but his power was reduced, making him a very difficult but ultimately beatable foe.
  • You Look Familiar: Rene Naufahu, playing Ji, once threatened Rangers as Emperor Gruumm. There was even an episode where Gruumm took human form, allowing Naufahu to walk around out-of-costume.
    • Related to the above, the Grand Shogun is played by Jim Mclarty, who played Broodwing.
    • Cole's actor, Ricardo Medina Jr., returns as Deker's human form. It should be noted that the slicked back hair & goatee make him look distinctly different to when he last appeared as Cole, and coupled with the fact that he's credited as 'Rick Medina' here, it could be enough to throw anyone who didn't know it was the same actor.
    • Daisuke from 'The Tengen Gate' is played by Grant McFarland who played bothSensei Kanoi andBig BadLothor in Power Rangers Ninja Storm. Why do they keep having him play Asian people?

Alternative Title(s):Power Rangers Super Samurai



Power Rangers Wild Force(TV Series)

Forever Red (2002)

Rocky DeSantos (Steve Cardenas) was originally supposed to appear as the Red Ninja Ranger. He was written out because Cardenas had moved to a new home and the 'Power Rangers' crew were unable to contact him. Word from Forever Red writer Amit Bhaumik has it that had Rocky been in the episode, it would have only been in a civilian cameo as Tommy's butler, though he would have been implied to have still been the Blue Zeo Ranger. Rocky would have only participated in the battle as MMPR Red Ranger if Austin St. John proved unable to make filming.
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Power Rangers Wild Force Kimcartoon

In the Red Ranger reunion episode, 'Forever Red,' there were several things planned that didn't make it.
  • 1. Katherine (Catherine Sutherland) was going to make an appearance, as Tommy's wife.
  • 2. Eric and Wes were going to contact Trip (Kevin Kleinberg) in the year 3000 to see if their fight against the Machine Empire changes anything in the timeline.
  • 3. A scene between Tommy and Alpha 7 on the Megaship was cut.
  • 4. Leo, the Red Galaxy Ranger, was originally going to be killed off.
  • 5. Instead of simply having Cole use the Wild Rider to destroy Serpentera, each Red Ranger was going to summon one of their Zords for the battle.
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This episode was the first time that we see every Red Ranger from 'Power Rangers', up until 2002, from Jason Lee Scott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993)) to Cole Evans ('Wild Force'). It should be noted though that the only Red Ranger not included was Rocky DeSantos, who took over as the Red Ranger from Jason during the second season of 'Mighty Morphin'.
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In the original ending for 'Forever Red', when the other Red Rangers are trying to convince Cole (Ricardo Medina Jr.) why they are the best Ranger ever instead of Tommy (Jason David Frank), Andros originally says to the Rangers, 'Hey, I destroyed Zordon!' Afterwards, a shocked Jason (Austin St. John) asks Andros, 'You destroyed Zordon?' This line was cut out because BVS Entertainment thought the line was too dark and that the delivery made it sound like Andros was proudly bragging about killing the Power Rangers' original mentor. Instead, Andros says, 'Hey, I saved two worlds!'
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Danny Slavin, who plays Leo Corbett, originally did not want to appear in 'Forever Red', but by the time he agreed to do the episode, filming for 'Forever Red' had wrapped. Mr. Slavin's scenes were actually filmed during re-shoots at a later date and he is inserted with the other Red Rangers for some select scenes by use of computer graphics. This explains why Leo is briefly seen in the circle of nine Red Rangers and has his fist out with the other Rangers, but in one scene Leo is missing and the other eight Red Rangers are shown instead of nine.
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In an online interview, writer Amit Bhaumik said he intended to include Rocky DeSantos (played by Steve Cardenas), but he would not have joined the other Red Rangers in battle. Instead, he would have made a cameo as the butler of Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank), who was now wealthy, and Rocky would've kept his Zeonizers to become Zeo Ranger III, Blue. Tommy's wealthy status was omitted from the final cut of the episode and he will instead become a teacher in 'Power Rangers: Dino Thunder'.
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In Amit's Bhaumik's original script, Jason (Austin St. John) would have said to Cole (Ricardo Medina Jr.), 'Hang back rookie and watch why the first Red Ranger is the best.' In the final cut, Jason's line is changed to, 'Not bad. Hang back, rookie! Let me show you how it's done!'
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Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) is wearing his Power Rangers communicator on his left wrist and he uses his original Power Morpher for the first time since his departure in 'The Power Transfer: Part 2'. While it is not explained how he has his Power Morpher, Jason has kept his original, undamaged Power Morpher since 'The Power Transfer, part 2', when Zordon had the team use the Sword of Power to transfer power from the Power Morphers of the three departing Power Rangers to their replacements and grant them Morphers of their own.
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An original script would have explained how T.J. Johnson (Selwyn Ward), the Red Turbo Ranger, would have gotten his powers back, but it was edited out before filming began. It remains unknown how T.J. gets his powers back since they were previously destroyed in the finale of 'Power Rangers Turbo'.
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In an online interview with the Power Rangers Network web site, writer Amit Bhaumik said his original concept for 'Forever Red' involved a cult of robed alien priests that were trying to resurrect Dark Specter on a volcanic planet. However, Bhaumik was told by the producers that the crew had these 'original robot suits' they needed to use, so he re-wrote the script to include the surviving generals of the Machine Empire instead.
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A deleted scene from the finale had Katherine Hillard (Catherine Sutherland) drive to the NASADA base and she would have picked up her husband, Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank), after he had walked away from the other Red Rangers of Earth. The scene was cut due to the 22-minute length of this episode.
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In three different versions of the script for 'Forever Red', a Red Ranger was supposed to be killed off in the final battle. One version had the original Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John), killed in the final battle. In another, the Red Galaxy Ranger, Leo Corbett (Danny Slavin), dies in the finale. In a third version, the Red Alien Ranger, Aurico (David Bacon), was killed in the final battle. Each version of the script was quickly rejected, because BVS Entertainment did not want to upset kids or long-time fans with the death of a Red Ranger.
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In the original script by Amit Bhaumik, Bulkmeier's was supposed to be owned by Tommy Oliver (played by Jason David Frank) and was allegedly built in Tommy's own backyard when it's revealed the character became wealthy.
Power rangers wild force games
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Three of the Machine Empire Generals were voiced by previous Power Ranger alumni: Archie Kao voiced Venjix, Catherine Sutherland voiced Tezzla, and Walter Jones voiced Gerrok.
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An alternate ending for an original script of 'Forever Red' would have had the original Red Ranger, Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John), killed during the final battle. After the other Red Rangers return to Earth, Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) calls his ex-girlfriend Kimberly Ann Hart (Amy Jo Johnson) for comfort and to tell her of Jason's death. This alternate ending was quickly and overwhelmingly rejected by the 'Power Rangers' crew, as they considered Jason to be too popular and too important of a character to kill off in battle.
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An original shooting script for 'Forever Red' included the revelation that Skull (Jason Narvy) and Kimberly Ann Hart (Amy Jo Johnson), the original Pink Power Ranger, were married. However, the idea was soon rejected and cut from the script altogether. Kimberly is, however, given mention in the finale by her friend and former teammate, Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John).
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The villains in this episode, the surviving Machine Empire generals, were originally featured in BeetleBorgs (1996), which was the third spin off series of 'Power Rangers'. The first two spin-off series were V.R. Troopers (1994) and Masked Rider (1995).
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During an online interview with the Power Rangers Network web site, 'Forever Red' writer Amit Bhaumik revealed that he wrote a falling out between Jason Lee Scott (Austin St. John) and Tommy Oliver (Jason David Frank) and that Jason would have 'turned punk' sometime after the events of Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997) and before the events of 'Forever Red', only to have Jason reunite with Tommy and become friends again. This would explain why Jason acts a bit arrogant during this episode. However, the scene was ultimately cut out to keep the episode 22-minutes long.
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In the original script for 'Forever Red', Ryan Mitchell, a.k.a. the Titanium Ranger from the series 'Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue', was supposed to have made a cameo as the new captain of the rebuilt Lightspeed Aquabase.
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There was originally a 10 Zord battle against Serpentera in the finale of 'Forever Red'. In one shooting the script, the ten Zords that were to be used in battle were the Thunder Megazord, the Red Shogunzord, the Red Battlezord, Lighting Fire Tamer, the Astro Megaship, Galaxy Megazord, Lightspeed Megazord, the Time Force Megazord, the Q-Rex, and Isis Megazord. In another script, the same Zords were used, with the sole exception of the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord, and then the original Megazord, substituting in place for the Thunder Megazord.
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TJ's full name is finally stated: Theodore Jay Jarvis Johnson.
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Tommy was deliberately given lines that Zordon used to say, such as 'I was hoping this day would never come.' and 'May the power protect you.'
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Amit Bhaumik wanted to make sure the basic DNA of a classic Power Rangers story was present in this episode, but to make it fresh, the basic premise was flipped by having the Rangers be proactive and bringing the battle to the villain's base on the Moon for a change (as opposed to the first four years where Rita through King Mondo operated there and sent threats down to Earth).
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Bulk and Skull play a game of chess, using the chess board the Space Rangers used to plan their attack against the Psycho Rangers.
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While not shown in the episode, Amit says that T.J. got his Turbo powers back the same way the Storm Blaster powered Justin's morph in 'True Blue To The Rescue.' Also, the red car he pulls up in is the Lightning Cruiser.
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An original shooting script would have had Aurico, the Red Alien Ranger, killed off, and would have been the reason why he is the only Red Ranger not on Earth at the finale. However, this idea was rejected and re-written so that Aurico would survive.
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During an online interview with the Power Rangers Network web site, writer Amit Bhaumik admitted that he wanted Amy Jo Johnson (Kimberly Ann Hart/the original Pink Ranger), Walter Jones (Zack Taylor/the original Black Ranger), Patricia Ja Lee (Cassie Chan/the Pink Space Ranger) and Melody Perkins (Karone/the second Pink Lost Galaxy Ranger) to reprise their roles for the 'Forever Red' story. However, none of the characters managed to end up in the final script because of budgetary and story length reasons.
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The talk between Farkas 'Bulk' Bulkmeier (Paul Schrier) and Eugene 'Skull' Skullovitch (Jason Narvy) was originally longer, with more mentions to past continuity of their time on 'Power Rangers'. Among the mentions made by Bulk and Skull were Prof. Phenomenous Ingenious from Power Rangers in Space (1998) and the time Bulk and Skull spent as chimpanzees in Power Rangers Turbo (1997). The extended Bulk and Skull scene was filmed, but cut out to keep the episode at its 22-minute length.
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The three of the generals were voiced by Power Ranger alumni: 'Archie Kao' from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (1999) voiced Venjix, 'Walter Jones' from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993) voiced Gerrok and Catherine Sutherland from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993), Power Rangers Zeo (1996), Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997) and Power Rangers Turbo (1997) voiced Tezzla.
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